Evaluation of Russia by Finnish Intelligence Colonel - Tiedustelueverstin arvio Venäjästä | 3.12.2018
Recently I came across this excellent 2018 lecture in Finnish, given by Martti J. Kari , a former Colonel working in military intelligence, who " due to numerous requests and feedback, published the lecture on the Russian strategic culture with subtitles in now 18 languages (to be chosen in youtube settings) given in the Studia Generalis -lecture series of the University of Jyväskylä in 2018 ". After watching this, I can now understand why Russians think and behave so much differently from us in the Western democracies, why there are 2 words for truths and 3 for lies in Russian language, and based on this, how we should translate from Russian language to any Western language any saying coming from them, not only by literal translation but also if it is really true - “istina” or maybe just tactically true - “pravda”, plain lie - “lozh” or rather a strategic lie - “vranyo”. This brings some light about the reason behind Ukrainian invasion and any other invasion in the past, as...